Speaking and sharing about


Stella speaks on global stages across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, as well as in the USA. Live stages have led her to speak to +13,000 people in 13 countries - sharing keynotes about Leadership, Change and Transformation with business tycoons, celebrities, Olympic athletes, Oscar winning actors, as well as Heads of States and governments.

Stella believes in our transformation abilities, as Human Beings. She hosts “The Conversations of Excellence”, in which she shares inspirational and transformational stories of Olympic & World Champions, Business Authorities and Members of Diplomacy. In her TEDx talk “Change: an Opportunity rather than a Fear”, she puts in perspective some of her own transformation insights. 

Award-Winning International Speaker, Stella has received multiple global awards for her work. She has been recognised as a “New Leader for Tomorrow” by the world-leading International Institution dedicated to Public-Private Cooperation Crans Montana Forum. Her story has been featured in several books, some of which alongside the stories of Naomi Campbell or Lewis Hamilton.

Stella is passionate about topics that generate deep meaning for life, and about exploring the mindsets that create growth. She works globally - with a heart open to the world!


Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, Interviewing Jessica SIMPSON
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker

A few


TEDx Talk (Brussels, Belgium - Live event, +700 people)

Topic: "Change: an Opportunity, rather than a Fear"

How to see Change differently in a world of Uncertainty: Transform Fear into a powerful Ally

In a world where uncertainty and disruption are constant, our ability to adapt is critical to personal and professional success. In this compelling talk, your audience will learn how to shift their perspective to view change not as a threat, but as a unique opportunity for growth, progress and innovation. Drawing from her personal journey and transformative insights, Stella demonstrates how embracing the unknown can unlock courage. This talk invites your audience to rethink how to approach life’s transitions and challenges, empowering participants to harness change as a path to transformation.

Attendee Results:
🔹Discover how to reframe fear of change into an opportunity for growth and empowerment
🔹Learn specific strategies to navigate uncertainty with confidence
🔹Gain insights into leveraging personal challenges as a leadership advantage
🔹Walk away inspired to approach change and transformation with optimism

Watch TEDx Talk →

Transforming Organisational Culture with Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Feeling like transforming culture is tough?
🔸Interrupting toxic patterns can be overwhelming
🔸Facilitating teamwork with varied communication preferences seems complex
🔸Promoting knowledge sharing across teams can be exhausting
🔸Fostering cross-border collaboration can become tricky
🔸Minimising recurring conflicts seems to be a never-ending challenge
… And the list goes on.

These transformations have an intention of profoundly shifting existing values, beliefs, and practices - at their core - for a more harmonious workplace.

Have you ever considered using Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a tool for transforming culture in your organisation?

Many organisations facing the same challenges have found that EI acts as a powerful tool for overcoming them, and provides a strong foundation to transforming culture in organisations.

During this free introduction session to Emotional Intelligence, we will cover:
✅ Why isn't Emotional Intelligence just another nice-to-have?
✅ The Brain Science behind Emotional Intelligence
✅ How does EI complete Cultural Transformation plans?
✅ Business Cases & Impact of EI on business outcomes / ROI

This online session on Emotional Intelligence applied to Cultural Transformation is specifically designed for professionals in:
✔️ HR
✔️ People & Culture
✔️ Learning & Development
✔️ Organisational Change & Transformation

See you!

A Paradoxical Approach to Collaborative Innovation

Nigeria Innovation Summit - Building a Culture of Innovation

A pleasure to be invited to speak at the next Nigeria Innovation Summit, Building a Culture of Innovation.

Through the topic "A Paradoxical Approach to Collaborative Innovation", we'll unpack the unspoken roadblocks that hinder collaborative innovation -
beyond communication, collaboration or conflict management challenges.

When organisations and companies embrace this paradoxical approach, they become able to:
🔹 Work on core solutions that break the failure patterns that seem to repeat themselves over and over again
🔹 Lay the foundational elements that allow them to sustain and achieve long-term innovation success, on a national and global scale

These specific unspoken roadblocks are often forgotten during innovation cycles.

Included: case-studies that demonstrate the power of this paradoxical approach.

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Speaking at ACHA Presidential Session, Igniting & Leading Change

Presidential Closing Session

(San Diego, USA - Live event)

Topic: Igniting & Leading Change

Wrap up from a great Presidential Closing Session!

Invited to speak in San Diego, at the American College Health Association (ACHA) Annual Meeting.

Very interactive session, in which we shared about so much, such as:
🔹The importance of having tough conversations leading to deep transformational change
🔹Which skills are needed to create environments in which people are receptive to change
🔹How to be Facilitators of change, vs forcing change upon people

It's also been great to hear some of the meaningful projects on which the ACHA leaders are working on, for the betterment of College Students healthcare!

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Jessica SIMPSON Interview, Billion Dollar Brand Builder

Interviewing Billion Dollar Business Tycoon, Jessica Simpson (Los Angeles, USA - Live event, +2,500 people)

Topic: Building Your Brand with Authenticity

This video is an extract of a conversation between Stella Bida and Billion-Dollar brand builder Jessica Simpson. It is focused on how to build and activate your Personal Brand, through Self-Branding - with authenticity.

Jessica Simpson: "I think that the most important thing is to really know what you love, and know what your focus is, and have that mission statement for what you are trying to brand. I think it's very important when you do self branding to really have to know yourself, but also be willing to evolve with time. Everybody's opinion about you is always changing, but your opinion about yourself can always remain the same.
I think that's always important for anybody business minded to stay themselves."

The interview was done live, in front of an audience of 2,500 entrepreneurs, from +80 countries, gathered together during a business and wealth event.

Other inspiring leaders such as JT Foxx, Wealth and Business coach - A-List celebrities such as Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas, Brooke Shields - Business Tycoons such as Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple with Steve Jobs) were sharing words of inspiration for a successful entrepreneurial journey.

Leading Change in Organizations

Topic: Leading Change Through Difficult Conversations

How can organizations start having the difficult conversations, that they know are critical to creating thriving cultures and drive sustainable change?

These conversations are the ones which allow them to minimize resistance to change, while creating cultures which support their business outcomes.

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, speaking at Hacking HR, How to Influence the C-Suite

How to Influence the C-Suite

Topic: How to Earn Trust and Engage with the C-Suite

Interview Hacking HR Podcast, Leading Change in Organizations

Topic: What to do when chaos shows up, during a massive organizational change?


Repost from Hacking HR

In case you missed it, we had an interview with Stella Bida!
Stella is an Organizational Change Management Consultant. She has many years of experience helping companies navigate, accepting, and managing change in an effective way. Stella has consulted for companies across many sectors, such as financial, legal, management, and tech. She has a wide range of experience in Change Management and dealing with chaos.

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, speaking at Servant Leadership Conference, Leading Change in times of uncertainty and Fear

Leading Change in Times of Uncertainty & Fear (Online Event)

Topic: How to Lead Change in Times of Uncertainty & Fear

This last year has been filled with unexpected disruptions - while organisations and their leaders were already in a constant state of change, in order to keep their competitive advantage on their market.

While uncertainty is growing, companies continue to thrive in keeping team productivity, performance and morale up. They know that if they don’t, this would affect their mere existence.

Which actionable steps can organisations and leaders put in place confidently, to help their teams navigate change with more ease?

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Conversations of Excellence

Hosting The Conversations of Excellence (Online Show)

Topic: How to Lead Powerfully, from a space of Openness & Vulnerability

Sharing the values of amazing leaders across the world, as an inspiration guide to life, career and business

Sharing deep, personal and open conversations with Olympic Champions, Business Authorities, Members of diplomacy, Heads of governments

Some of the values shared with these amazing leaders are:
Leadership and Transformation through our Being
The importance of sharing our life experiences and lessons learned with others
The importance of little tiny growth steps in making massive transformational impact

Seasons 1 and 2 have been viewed in 83 countries across the world 🌎

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, How to Build Instant Trust, To Lead Powerfully with Authenticity, Global Woman Club

Speaking, Leadership Masterclass (Online Event)

Topic: How to Build Instant Trust, To Lead Powerfully with Authenticity

... Even in the 'remote', changing and uncertain world we live in now

Speaking at CREALISE La Réunion

Influence Marketing (Online Event)

Topic: Influence & Leadership, Personal Branding and E-Reputation

Wow! Thank you to the 170 people who showed up during the Influence Marketing Masterclass with Crealise Indian Ocean! 🌟

The conversations and sharings with everyone were exceptional - even in a remote setup! 🌟

It was a pleasure to share about my experience on achieving ones career, business and community goals, by using the following strategies:

  • Influence & Leadership
  • Personal Branding
  • E-Reputation

Sharing my journey has been a great reminder for me to understand that no matter how "small" we think we are, an impact is possible... 💝

Thank you for the invitation Crealise Indian Ocean & Antoine DEVASLE 🚀!

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, MUSOYA RADIO / TV Musoya Mali

Interview, Musoya Radio / TV (En ligne)

Sujet : « Suivre sa voie quand est définie par autrui ? »

Un plaisir d’être invitée par MUSOYA RADIO / TV Musoya Mali

Je serai en compagnie de :

* M. Mossadeck Bally, Président & Fondateur du Groupe Azalaï Hôtel - chaîne hôtelière phare de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et également Président d’honneur du Cluster Digital Africa

* Mme Coumba Bah – Directrice de Musoya, Ambassadrice du Cluster Digital Africa

Université Virtuelle UVPP Kingui du Mali

Rendez-vous le samedi 13 mars à partir de 17h GMT

Speaking at Made in Africa - The New African Leadership (Online Event)

Topic: Vision of The New African Leadership

Alongside other influencers from the African continent:

  • Dr Oby Ezekwesili: Former Vice President of the World Bank for Africa, Co-Founder of Transparency International
  • Mrs. Grace Njapau: Former Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Member of Parliament, Zambia
  • Mr. Abdou Diop: Managing Partner at Mazars Audit & Conseil, International Audit & Consulting Firm
  • Dr Adal Rhoubeid: Minister and Special Advisor of the President of the Republic of Niger

Mrs. Karima Rhanem, President of the International Center for Diplomacy, will be moderating this talk.

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Bouncing Back:Post Covid-19 Recovery, the Role of Lawyers and Entrepreneurs

Speaking, Bouncing Back: Post Covid-19 Recovery, the Role of Lawyers and Entrepreneurs (Online event)

Topic: How to Bounce Back from Covid-19

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Self-Leadership & Success fulfilment, Speaking at ING Bank Brussels, Belgium, Corporate Events

Speaking, ING Bank Corporate Event (Brussels, Belgium)

Topic: Self-Leadership & Success fulfilment

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, speaking - Money, Wealth & Business Event

Speaking, Money, Wealth & Business Conference (Johannesburg, South Africa, Live event, +1,500 people)

Topic: How to Grow and Scale your Business through Customer Experience

Audience of 1,500 local and international entrepreneurs

Sharing the stage with JT Foxx, the World’s #1 Wealth and Business coach - and other celebrity speakers such as the Olympic Gold Medalist Steven Bradburry and Ndaba Mandela.

Speaking, Egrégore Entrepreneurs: The Power of Collective Intelligence, Business Event (Brussels, Belgium)

Topic: How to Build Your Global Brand, Business Authority

Event made possible by Jérémie Vanopdenbosch (Expert Networking Business)

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, How can Women in Law Firms access to High Leading Positions, DENTONS Law Firm, Brussels, Belgium

Speaking, DENTONS, International Law Firm (Brussels, Belgium)

Topic: How can Women in Law Firms access to High Leading Positions?

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Speaking, ABBOTT, Global Heathcare company, How to use your Authentic Signature to Lead Others & Succeed

Speaking, ABBOTT, Global Heathcare company (Brussels, Belgium)

Topic: How to use your Authentic Signature to Lead Others & Succeed

 Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, speaking at Nordic Business Forum

Speaking, Nordic Business Forum, Speaking Contest (Oslo, Norway)

Topic: Making Customer Retention King

The Nordic Business Forum is “Building Leaders who Change the World”

Full of gratitude to have been selected to be part of this powerful vision, in the context of the Nordic Business Forum Speaking Contest.

The previous years, the Nordic Business Forum welcomed President Barack Obama, Sir Richard Branson, Will Smith and many others

This year, the different editions of the forum will welcome for example George Clooney, Simon Sinek, Randi Zuckerberg, Steve Wozniak and Sara Blakely

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, - NxSE 2019 Business Event La Reunion

Speaking, NxSE 2019, Business Event (La Réunion, France)

Topic: How can La Réunion use Personal & Business Branding as a tool to stand out in the African & Indian Ocean area

Great edition in 2019, with 700 guests at the opening "Choose La Réunion" with the President of the French Republic, Elisabeth Moreno Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Shared panel discussions with great leaders and innovators of the French Tech

Speaking, Academy of Leadership Sciences in Switzerland & Global Woman Leadership Academy (Zurich, Switzerland)

Topic: Client Leadership Matters

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant,  - speaking at the European Union Pavilion - Promote Business Event

Speaking at the European Union Pavilion, Promote (Yaounde, Cameroon)

Topic: Sharing Entrepreneurship Experience with Women in Business

Invited to speak, by the Economic and Business Affairs of the European Union in Cameroon

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, speaking - Club Efficience Paris - Gotha Noir

Gotha Noir Book Launch (Paris, France)

Speaking at the Book Launch of the Gotha Noir - An honour to be part of this unique book, alongside so many successful and inspirational people, such as Naomi Campbell, Lewis Hamilton, Stromae or Yannick Noah to only name a few - and so many others who are shaping the world.

The book preface is written by Pape Diouf, Former President of the Olympic football team of Marseille.

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Speaking, NxSE Digital Business Event, Women in Technology & Entrepreneurship

Speaking, NxSE Digital Business Event (Paris, France)

Topic: Women in Technology & Entrepreneurship

Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant, Regional Director of the Global Woman Club Brussels

Regional Director of the Global Woman Club Brussels (Brussels, Belgium)

Opened the Brussels representation of the international Global Woman Club, an international business networking club.

Fastest growing networking community for women in business, with +30 clubs worldwide: Paris, Amsterdam, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Johannesburg, Stockholm, Vienna, New York, Frankfurt, ...