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Over the years, Stella has traveled the world, drawing inspiration from some of the most influential and innovative leaders across various fields. Through her journey, she has had the opportunity to meet and learn from exceptional individuals, gaining insights into their thought processes, their approach to success, as well as how they overcome setbacks in life.

These experiences include interactions with:

  • Top Business Leaders and Tycoons
  • Olympic and World Champions
  • Members of Diplomacy and Governments
  • Oscar and Golden Globe Winning Actors
  • And much more...
Stella Bida & Steve Wozniak
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Gabriel MACHT, Actor, Harvey Specter, SUITS
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant &  JT FOXX, Business and Wealth Coach & Michael DOUGLAS, Oscar and Golden Globe Winning Actor
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Mel GIBSON, Oscar Winning Actor
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant &  Stedman GRAHAM, Business Man, Author Identity Leadership
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Jessica SIMPSON, Billion Dollar Brand Builder
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Ndaba MANDELA, Founder of the Mandela Project
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant &  Kiefer SUTHERLAND, Actor, 24, Designated Survivor
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Minister of State Belgium, Herman DE CROO, Award New Leader for Tomorrow, Crans Montana Forum
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Kris JENNER Business Woman, Jeff LEATHAM, Artistic Director Four Season Hotel George V
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Elisabeth MORENO, Minister France, Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Dr PHIL, Television Host, Dr PHIL
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Phumzile MLAMBO-NGCUKA, Executive Director, UN Women
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, and Veronica CHEW, Success Resources
Stella BIDA, Executive Leadership Consultant & Mike SLADE, Helped launch EXCEL with Bill GATES
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, Emili SANDE, Singer, Songwriter
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, Mirela SULA, Global Woman Magazine
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, Hugh HILTON, Real Estate Investor
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker & Les BROWN, World's Leading Motivational Speaker
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker & Steven BRADBURY, Olympic Gold Medallist
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker & Dolph LUNDGREN, Actor, Producer
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker & Brooke SHIELDS, Actress
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker and Jay ABRAHAM, The 21.7 Billion Dollar Man
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker and Jillian MICHAELS, Business Woman, Television Personality
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker and Moira FORBES, FORBESWOMAN Magazine


Stella has received multiple awards worldwide and recognitions for her dedication to helping others bring out the best of themselves, through an expression of their leadership. She has been awarded "New Leader for Tomorrow" by the Crans Montana Forum, with Former President of Mali Dioncounda Traore, and Belgium’s Minister of State Herman De Croo.

Her work in empowering others has also led her story to being featured in the book "Gotha Noir" alongside worldwide influencers such as Naomi Campbell or Lewis Hamilton.

Stella has been awarded at the Houses of Parliament in London for her impact and positive influence.

The Global Woman Magazine has named her in the "Top 10 Women who inspired their audience", alongside global leaders such as Mary Buffett, or late Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker receives award Houses of Parliament of London

Awarded by
Member of Parliament UK & Global Woman Founder
The Houses of Parliament London

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker received award at Crans Montana Forum

Awarded by
The Former President of Mali & The Minister of State in Belgium
At the Crans Montana Forum

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker awarded Afropreneur of the Year in Belgium

Afropreneur of the Year

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker awarded at Nigeria Innovation Summit

Awarded by the
Nigeria Innovation Summit

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker in Top 10 of Global Woman Magazine audience

Part of the Top 10 of the Global Woman Magazine audience

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker features in the Gotha Noir d'Europe

Stella's story featured in the "Gotha Noir d'Europe" alongside the ones as Naomi Campbell, Lewis Hamilton, Stromae, ... Book preface written by Pape Diouf, Former President of the Olympic football team of Marseille


Stella has been featured in numerous media outlets internationally from France, Belgium, the United States, to South Africa or Congo.

Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker, in Change Magazine
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker interview on SABC News in South Africa
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker interviewed in the Chrissy B Show in London
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker cover of Star People magazine
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker interviewed by NY Elite Magazine
Stella BIDA, TEDx Speaker, Executive Leadership Consultant, International Speaker in cover of Global Woman Magazine